Pelvic Organ Prolapse Treatments

Pelvic organ prolapse (POP) is a bulging of tissues into the vagina from surrounding organs. This can be felt as a protrusion at the opening of the vagina. It is sometimes described as a "hernia of the vaginal tissues".

Minimally invasive surgery

Minimally invasive surgeries are performed through the vagina, or through small incisions in the abdominal wall using a laparoscope. "Native tissue repair" means that we use tissue from your body to complete the repair.

Laparoscopic or robotic surgery with "native tissue repair"

We may use a laparoscope to look at the abdominal cavity, using your tissues to repair the prolapse. These repairs may include uterosacral ligament suspension, paravaginal defect repair (cystocele repair).

Laparoscopic or robotic surgery with mesh

Sometimes surgery is performed to suspend the top of the vagina, cervix, or uterus.

Obliterative procedures

If you are not sexually active and do not plan to be in the future, there are surgical treatments to narrow or close the vagina.

Vaginal surgery with “native tissue repair”

Using your tissues, this surgery may repair a prolapse of the:

  • Bladder (cystocele)
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  • Small bowel (enterocele)
  • Rectum (rectocele)
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These may be performed in combination with a hysterectomy if the uterus is still present and is prolapsed. At other times, uterine-sparing procedures are performed. 

Open abdominal approaches

Open abdomen surgery is rarely needed unless other surgeries are required at the same time.